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I’ve been on and off again blogging for awhile now. I’ve changed my blog name, I’ve used different fonts and color schemes, and transitioned from “preppy fashion blogging” (haha) to a college and lifestyle blog. Through all that, however, one thing has remained the same: celebrating everything. Since I first started blogging, I wanted to create a positive space. With the rebrand and relaunch of my blog, I really want to focus on that philosophy of celebrating everything life offers us. I want to empower other young women, encourage creative thinking, share ideas, and ask questions. I want this to be our space, not just mine. I want interactions, community, and stimulation.

Processed with VSCO with hb1 presetInstagram

With that being said, I’ve been using the hashtag #celebrateeverything on Instagram lately. If you didn’t know, I love Instagram. I love the community, how it connects people, and how you can easily share thoughts, stories, and experiences, while accompanying an image (which is more often than not a great one). Before I started blogging, I thought it was silly to use a bunch of hashtags on a photo, but I learned the beauty in how purposeful hashtags create connections between users.

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Time and time again, this blog, this space, will be about celebrating everything. From fresh flowers, to cookies, to a delicious coffee, to a potted plant, to sitting laughing with your friends, to being accepted into your dream school or program, to buying your first car, to eating some really fresh fruit, to finding a song you really love, everything is worth celebrating, no matter how big or small. I’m inviting you all to also use the hashtag #celebrateeverything on Instagram, and even on Twitter or Facebook! It’s a hashtag that’s been used so many times before (it’s not an original hashtag, haha) but it’s a great one. Share that slice of pizza, those flowers you bought yourself, that sunshine we all could use more of. Share the small, share the big, and share the in-between. It’s all worth celebrating.

Processed with VSCO with hb1 presetInstagram

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